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 Carolyn Masuoka

Meet Carolyn Masuoka, a passionate explorer of the paranormal and metaphysical realms. Her journey began in childhood, sparking a lifelong fascination that has only grown stronger over the years. Carolyn is deeply involved in the paranormal community, contributing her time, energy, and expertise to further understanding of the unknown. She is a proud member of White Light Paranormal, where she serves as a historical researcher and intuitive. Her role allows her to delve into the rich tapestry of history while using her intuitive abilities to shed light on the mysteries of the paranormal world. Her dedication to the study of the paranormal and metaphysical worlds is a testament to her curiosity and commitment. Whether she’s researching historical events or exploring intuitive insights, Carolyn brings a unique perspective and a wealth of knowledge to the field. Join Carolyn on her journey as she continues to explore the fascinating worlds of the paranormal and metaphysical, uncovering truths and challenging the unknown.