Oregon Ghost Conference Inn at Seaside Saltline Hotel River Inn HiTide Inn EbbTide Inn Sponsorship


Kelly Palmatier
MINI-EVENT HOST: Visual Spirit Readings
MINI-EVENT HOST: Visual Spirit Readings
MINI-EVENT HOST: Visual Spirit Readings

When Kelly Palmatier was eight years old, she told her parents she’d received a message from the spirit of her great-grandfather, indicating her mom was going to get the job she’d applied for hundreds of miles away in Atlanta and that they should start looking for a house. It turned out to be an accurate message, and it was also one of the earliest signs that Kelly would eventually go on to become a professional psychic medium. Psychic since birth, Kelly is clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairalient, clairsentient, and claircognizant. She studied parapsychology with Professor Chris Cherry at the University of Kent at Canterbury in England, and she mentored under professional psychic Jo Wynn in Sussex, England. She also has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Georgia. Kelly is passionate about making the world a better place. That’s why she named her company Channeling White Light, as it’s a metaphor for utilizing divine energy to help others. She does psychic readings, mediumship readings, psychic development mentorship, and other services for clients in her office in Asheville, NC and for clients all across the country by phone, FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom.



SPEAKER TOPIC: Haunted Ships & Lighthouses
MAIN STAGE: Friday, March 29th @ 6pm

Tales of the haunted Ships and the Lighthouses that once guided them.