Oregon Ghost Conference Inn at Seaside Saltline Hotel River Inn HiTide Inn EbbTide Inn Sponsorship


Juhl T. Helias
SPEAKER: Working with Aether: The Fifth Element

Juhl is a Certified Master Numerologist. She provides unparalleled math equation interpretations behind personal names, business names, birthdays, repeating events, future events and current change.

Juhl is trained in the ancient naming arts and makes suggestions for change through math, titles, business signatures/names etc. Thus, aligning to the true Life Path or purpose. A Life Path exists within a birthdate or its math equation. Behind all language, energy, and pattern is math. When a title or name is harmonized within this, we can experience more happiness, magnetism, new patterns, manifestation and attraction in life.

Juhl is also, a Spiritual Oracle (or Psychic) which embodies “the care of the soul”. She certifies other psychics and provides educational classes on “how to develop the senses”. She is also, an International Ordained Minister of Metaphysics.







SPEAKER TOPIC: Working with Aether: The Fifth Element
MAIN STAGE: Saturday, March 28th @ 4pm
Discover one of the most closely guarded secrets in ancient wisdom: Aether. This element is what the paranormal world is comprised of. By learning it’s history and nature, we can better understand the spiritual world, deepen our relationship with it and access more information than ever before.