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 Tami Langston

Tami Langston is a co-founders of Western Washington Investigators of Paranormal Science (WWIPS).

Tami Langston has been active in the paranormal field for over 25 years and has a background in organizational psychology. Her role as a facilitator and technical trainer would be beneficial for those seeking to understand the difficulties of conducting paranormal research. Tami’s involvement in the paranormal field stems from a deep interest in the subject and a dedication to advancing the understanding of paranormal phenomena through structured investigation and analysis. She has been a vocal advocate for creating a coalition of researchers to standardize and document paranormal investigation methods and her commitment to the field is evident in her efforts to build a community with vetted resources and guidelines that parallel the scientific rigor of other fields. While she is actively engaged in discussions and collaborations with other professionals in the field, her extensive experience and her role as a co-op facilitator and team manager reflect her long-standing commitment to the paranormal research community. As co-founder and team manager of the Western Washington Investigators of Paranormal Science, she brings a wealth of practical knowledge and leadership to the field. Lance Foss, with his extensive experience and a Masters Certificate in Paranormal Investigation, brings a significant level of expertise to the Western Washington Investigators of Paranormal Science (WWIPS). As a co-founder and location manager, he plays a crucial role in overseeing investigations and ensuring that they are conducted with professionalism and scientific rigor. His background allows him to contribute to the team’s efforts in researching and documenting paranormal phenomena, and his leadership helps to maintain the high standards that WWIPS is known for.






Tami holds a degree in Organizational Psychology and is a Certified Professional Parapsychologist and Hypnotherapist. Lance is a Certified Professional Paranormal Investigator. They are both members of the CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association and Rhine Research Center.