Oregon Ghost Conference Inn at Seaside Saltline Hotel River Inn HiTide Inn EbbTide Inn VENDOR AREA



Wendy Stanton Phillips
SPEAKER: Methods of Spirit Communication

As a Sensitive with Mediumistic abilities, Wendy has dealt with spirits her whole life. Now as a paranormal investigator, case manager and occult specialist in training, she has been blessed to partner up with June Lundgren in helping clients with the removal of spirits as well as negative entities and helping them to understand and deal with other issues they may be experiencing.



SPEAKER TOPIC: Methods of Spirit Communication
MAIN STAGE: Sunday, March 31st @ 10am

Exploring methods of historical as well as modern day communication with spirits. The do's and don'ts of making contact. what to expect, how to communicate in a respectful manner. how to be safe when making the connection and learning to tell positive from negative entities.