Oregon Ghost Conference Into The Parabnormal Raffle Box Office Concessions OGC Drink Spot VENDOR AREA Speakers/Instructors/Hosts Vendor Load-In Info. Speaker & Instructor Info. OGC MERCH

2025 Oregon Ghost Conference VENDOR Load-In/Load-Out INFORMATION:


Well, it is almost here! The Oregon Ghost Conference starts Friday, March 21st! We have been working hard to plan this event and we hope you are ready for a great weekend of Ghosts at the Coast!


Friday, March 21st, 2:30pm – Sunday, March 23rd, 4pm

Seaside Civic and Convention Center

415 First Avenue, Seaside, OR.



(Link to Map of the Building)


includes a 10’ wide x 8' deep space with black pipe and drape. (Backing 8’ high and sides 4’ high), One 8’ x 30” table with covering, two chairs and two General Admission Passes to the Vendor/Speaker Areas of the conference. All spaces also include access to electricity and free high speed Wi-Fi access.  

Please bring your own extension cords and power strips to connect to power.


WiFi Login Information      SSID: seaside convention

                                             Password: seasideisfun


@ Seaside Civic & Convention Center (415 First Ave., Seaside, OR 97138)


Set Up: Friday, March 21, 11:30am-2:30pm


Vendors can start setting up at 11:30am on Friday! (All Vendors must be set up by 2:30pm Friday when the Conference opens to the public and all doors will be locked during open hours except for the main entrance.)


Vendor Open Hours:


Friday, March 21st, 2:30-7pm

Saturday, March 22nd, 9am-7pm

Sunday, March 23rd, 9am-4pm


(Vendors are expected to be there for all hours. Closing your booth early has a huge impact on the event as a whole. Those who pack up early on Sunday may not be asked back in 2026.)


Take Down: Sunday, March 23rd, 4-6pm

(Vendors need to be out of the building by 6pm on Sunday)






This is where you will get your 2 GA Passes (Vendor Badges) for the weekend. If you are also a Speaker and/or Instructor, we will need to go over a few things with you at Check-in regarding that as well. Speakers and Instructors will need to Check-in at Box Office.

We ask that you remain at check-in area (In Lobby) until Kristen checks you in and gives you further instructions. This is where you will receive your booth placement information. Once you locate your booth you can begin setting up.

We will be posting the Vendor Map online a couple days prior to the event so you can see your booth placement.


Un-loading spaces are limited on the West Side of the Building on N. Edgewood St. If you are just unloading small items, we ask that you park on the street or in the Public Parking Lot to the West of the building. The Convention Center has a limited supply of carts available to use to assist in unloading large items or boxes. Please use the carts to transport items to your booth as quickly as possible so that others may use them as well. The Main Entrance Turn Around Area can be used for un-loading. We ask that you unload your vehicle as quickly as possible and that you move your vehicle immediately after unloading so others can pull in.
Vendors are expected to park in the Public Parking Lot to the west of the Convention Center after unloading or find street Parking.



There is a Concession Stand onsite for food that will have a variety of breakfast and lunch/dinner options. The concession stand will be open same hours as the Vendor Area. (The Concessions will also be open on Friday at 2pm while Vendors are setting up.) (Outside food and drinks are not allowed in the Convention Center)



Every year we ask for donations to the Oregon Ghost Conference Raffle. If you are interested in making a basket, gift certificate or have an item to donate, please bring it to the box office any time after 1pm on Friday. In past years, we have had everything from Crystals, Books, Jewelry, Ouija Boards, Psychic Readings and so much more. This raffle helps support the Oregon Ghost Conference as we continue to grow. Guests can buy 1 ticket for $1, 6 for $5 and 13 for $10. Please make sure to fill out the raffle form so we know who donated each item and can announce that during the drawing. Raffle drawing will take place on the OregonHealthcare.gov Main Stage at 3pm on Sunday, March 23rd.





Oregon Ghost Conference is held during Oregon’s Spring Break. Even though there are many Hotels in Seaside, they can fill up quickly. We recommend that you contact our partner Hotels first to see if the Oregon Ghost Conference Group rates are still available. For more information from our partner hotels visit:


Inn at Seaside: http://www.oregonghostconference.com/Inn_at_Seaside.html


Saltline: http://www.oregonghostconference.com/Saltline.html


River Inn: http://www.oregonghostconference.com/River_Inn.html


Ebb-Tide: http://www.oregonghostconference.com/EbbTide.html


Hi-Tide: http://www.oregonghostconference.com/HiTide.html


Rivertide Suites: http://www.oregonghostconference.com/RivertideSuites.html




Vendors who want to come back in 2026 can check-out and register for a booth for next year. If you would like to register to have a booth for next year before you leave, we will let you reserve and apply for your space this year and your rate will be locked in at $225. You can pay for next year’s booth onsite or we can send you an invoice later.



a) No Refunds

b) Guests are not permitted to bring any outside food/beverages into the Seaside Civic and Convention Center.

c) Topics, discussions, vendor booths or presentations should be secular (not religious based) and should be geared to a diverse audience and age group.

d) Conference participants must install, arrange and conduct their exhibits in a manner which does not present a safety hazard to the public, volunteers, or employees, and only in the space allotted to them by the organizers in a neat and orderly manner and in such a way as to not be a menace or nuisance to other vendors.

e) All audio/visual needs must be arranged prior to the event. The undersigned must work with event staff to set up any audio/visual equipment and ensure it is working prior to use and in a manner which does not present a safety hazard to the public, volunteers, or employees, and only in the space allotted to them by the organizers.

f) All Conference presentations, vendors, classes and speakers must be appropriate for a family friendly venue. No profanity, promotion of violence, illegal activity, weapons, alcohol consumption or other subjects that may be found offensive in the view of the organizers will be permitted. I understand that Conference organizers have the final say on items sold or displayed, in keeping with the focus of the Conference.

g) Vendors agree not to handle or sell any commodity not mentioned in their application. Helium balloons are prohibited inside the Seaside Civic and Convention Center.

h) All Conference participants agree not to sell or distribute any item with the Oregon Ghost Conference, Northwest Ghost Tours or Haunted Seaside name and/or logo without prior written permission.

i) Vendors agree not to sell any raffle tickets, event tickets or have any silent auction at the Conference Site without permission of the Conference Director.

j) No sharing or subletting of your time slot or vendor booth is allowed without the consent of the organizers.

k) Northwest Walking Tours LLC, Seaside Civic and Convention Center and the Oregon Ghost Conference, their employees and/or volunteers will not be held responsible for any personal injury, loss, theft, damages, or attachment of other worldly entities incurred by the Conference attendees at, in or around the Conference.

l) The undersigned and all members of the business or group listed on this application agree to be courteous to the attendees, audience, organizers, employees and/or volunteers and the staff of the venues.

m) If all rules and regulations are not followed the Oregon Ghost Conference Director has the right to ask, and expect, the Conference attendee to vacate the premises immediately without refund.

n) Speakers, Panelists, and Class Instructors agree not to use allotted time as a commercial to promote or sell any goods or services without permission of the Conference Director. Sales are confined to Vendor Booths.

0) Excessive garbage left by a Conference participant will be cleaned by the organizers at the expense of the participant.

p) Helium balloons, lit candles & open flames are prohibited inside the Seaside Civic and Convention Center.


HELP Promote the Oregon Ghost Conference this week!


We need your help to make this event successful! Please promote your booth on your social media pages and tag or link to Oregon Ghost Conference!
Website: http://www.oregonghostconference.com/
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/oregonghostconference/


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oregonghostconference/?hl=en




We look forward to seeing you next week!


Rocky Smith

Oregon Ghost Conference Director


TEXT: 503-679-4464