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MINI-EVENT: Hypno-Regression to Past Lives (1hr)
Hosts: Michael Cain
Four Possible Options:
Friday, March 21st, 2025, 7:30-8:30pm  
Friday, March 21st, 2025, 8:30-9:30pm 
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025, 7:30-8:30pm
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025, 8:30-9:30pm
Hypnoregression to Past Lives     
(Ages 16 & Over Only)    
Event Description:

Sometimes the best way to move forward on our journey is to pause and reflect on how the past may have impacted or informed us. An effective tool to visit past lives is through guided meditation hypnosis, with a result to help neutralize trauma and heal past versions of ourselves. Michael will guide you to a relaxing hypnosis trance and then will guide you to a past life. At the end, you can share what was observed, if you feel comfortable to do so, to help interpret messages you received or scenes witnessed. We are happy to hold space as you reconnect with the most fragile parts of yourself and then provide perspective on the karmic lessons, inspiration and hope!

Spirit will show you a life that is needed for your healing journey. After class is over, you might feel a sense of peace or perhaps have a release of emotions. Some experience healing where ailments have disappeared, ailments that had been brought forward from a past life. You could let go of negative emotions or preconceptions formed during certain experiences. Other items that could be experienced post regression session: resolving past trauma, understanding where certain behaviors come from, attendees could understand why they have certain reactions to things, such as an irrational fear. Regression therapy is primarily used to help you better understand past experiences that could affect your emotional reactions in the present. Most importantly, you will walk away with a sense of peace.


Event Host Biography Page



OGC Ticketing Tips:  

Before purchasing tickets for Classes, Evening Events, Investigtions or Ghost Tours, we highly recommend that you make a plan by looking at the 2025 Schedule so you can decide how you want to spend your time and to make sure you don’t purchase tickets for classes or events that overlap or cause scheduling conflicts. Please plan carefully because there are NO CASH REFUNDS. Individual tickets for classes, tours, investigations and events are available from each class or event page and can also be found through the 2025 Schedule or the Online Box Office

In addition to purchasing individual tickets to classes, tours or events, you will also need to purchase a General Admission Ticket.

General Admission Tickets are $20 and are good for the entire weekend. General Admission Tickets can be purchased through our Online Box Office or at the Oregon Ghost Conference Box Office at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center: Friday, March 21st-Sunday, March 23rd.

General Admission tickets are good for admission to the Vendors Area and all Main Stage Speaker presentations for all three days of the Oregon Ghost Conference.

Sunday Only General Admission Tickets are $10 and can only be purchased in person at the  Oregon Ghost Conference Box Office at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center, Sunday, March 23rd ONLY. 

Hypnoregression to Past Lives   
(Ages 16 & Over Only)  
General Admission Ticket: $15.00  
(There are 4 sessions available- Make sure to choose date and time correctly- There will be no refunds or exchanges)  








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