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CLASS: Shadow Work with Empowerment (2hr)
Instructor: Kay MacBean-Peden
Room: Seaside B/C
Friday, March 21, 2025, 2:30-4:30pm
Shadow Work with Empowerment    
Class Description:

Attendees will learn the purpose and immense power of venturing into shadow work- yet in an empowered way! Not only will Kay cover the underlying purpose of excavating and embracing one's shadow side, she'll also share how to navigate this often-dreaded endeavor in a manner that allows for courage, much more ease and acceptance of oneself as they move through this process, allowing for one's internal clutter to be diminished whilst allowing more room for what one wishes to feel, experience and become. This is a course that gives one the ability to walk a path of self-discovery and healing with grace, love, gratitude and even excitement!

Attendees will learn how to face their inner judgments, beliefs and self-diminishing, limiting stories garnered from past traumatic events and will be able to flip the concept of painful shadow work on its head, allowing for beauty, gratitude, fierce self-acceptance and radical self-love to be a part of the process. Attendees will also learn of the empowerment and personal liberation available to them in approaching shadow work, whilst being able to hold themselves steady along the way. Attendees will discover through this course that shadow work need not be terrifying or overwhelming; rather, it can be something one actually looks forward to!

Instructor Biography Page    


OGC Ticketing Tips:  

Before purchasing tickets for Classes, Evening Events, Investigtions or Ghost Tours, we highly recommend that you make a plan by looking at the 2025 Schedule so you can decide how you want to spend your time and to make sure you don’t purchase tickets for classes or events that overlap or cause scheduling conflicts. Please plan carefully because there are NO CASH REFUNDS. Individual tickets for classes, tours, investigations and events are available from each class or event page and can also be found through the 2025 Schedule or the Online Box Office

In addition to purchasing individual tickets to classes, tours or events, you will also need to purchase a General Admission Ticket.

General Admission Tickets are $20 and are good for the entire weekend. General Admission Tickets can be purchased through our Online Box Office or at the Oregon Ghost Conference Box Office at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center: Friday, March 21st-Sunday, March 23rd.

General Admission tickets are good for admission to the Vendors Area and all Main Stage Speaker presentations for all three days of the Oregon Ghost Conference.

Sunday Only General Admission Tickets are $10 and can only be purchased in person at the  Oregon Ghost Conference Box Office at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center, Sunday, March 23rd ONLY. 

Shadow Work with Empowerment  
2hr Class Registration: $25.00