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CLASS: Thinning the Veil (2hr)
Instructor: Shana Madsen
Room: Seaside B/C
Saturday, March 22, 2025, 11:30am-1:30pm
Thinning the Veil    
Class Description:

This presentation is designed to empower those who find themselves drawn to that which lies beyond the veil. Various manifestations of paranormal activity and theories, ethical energetic clearing methods, psychopomping, spiritual protection and safe practices will be discussed. Personal experiences with supernatural healing, ghosts, sasquatch, fairies and more will provide an insight into realms and forces we all have access to, whether we volunteer to walk between worlds, or should those worlds choose to interact with us. Learn safe, ethical and effective practices to navigate the energy we interact with in this and beyond.

Attendees will be empowered to safely and confidently interact with paranormal energy.

Instructor Biography Page    








OGC Ticketing Tips:  

Before purchasing tickets for Classes, Evening Events, Investigtions or Ghost Tours, we highly recommend that you make a plan by looking at the 2025 Schedule so you can decide how you want to spend your time and to make sure you don’t purchase tickets for classes or events that overlap or cause scheduling conflicts. Please plan carefully because there are NO CASH REFUNDS. Individual tickets for classes, tours, investigations and events are available from each class or event page and can also be found through the 2025 Schedule or the Online Box Office

In addition to purchasing individual tickets to classes, tours or events, you will also need to purchase a General Admission Ticket.

General Admission Tickets are $20 and are good for the entire weekend. General Admission Tickets can be purchased through our Online Box Office or at the Oregon Ghost Conference Box Office at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center: Friday, March 21st-Sunday, March 23rd.

General Admission tickets are good for admission to the Vendors Area and all Main Stage Speaker presentations for all three days of the Oregon Ghost Conference.

Sunday Only General Admission Tickets are $10 and can only be purchased in person at the  Oregon Ghost Conference Box Office at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center, Sunday, March 23rd ONLY. 

Thinning the Veil  
2hr Class Registration: $25.00